Shifting Seasons

As the inevitable external shifting of the Seasons nudges our consciousness, the rhythm sparks an awareness of the internal shifts.

An awareness of our own transitions, our journey forward, where we have been, what we hope to grow towards.

The Seasons serve as a source that guides us to build something meaningful. A sense of place. An energy that carries us from one reality to the next. The unfolding of life in Maine, inevitably defined and guided by change. We are called to be conscious, imbedded in the present, moving out any stagnant energy. In this light, although Autumn brings some foreboding of tougher elements to maneuver, it is also a Blessing bringing awareness to our lives.

Awareness of the past, Hope for the future.

The past always serves as that spark that balances and Roots us in our manifestations.

At Rooted, history defines the space, the feeling, the vision. And that shared sense of history unites us in our present. Being present. Mindful. Aware.

In this building, perseverance and fortitude hunkered down for the Winter until building could resume on the main house. A young family armed with grit and determination weathered the Seasons to create a life that would feed their Souls and nurture their dreams.

The Smith family entrusted me to be the next caretaker of this land. My gratitude overflows. My neighbor Ingrid’s family worked this land before them with love and grounded Roots.

These ancestors built upon the energy of those who came before them, working the land, creating their home, and planting the seeds of intention. I am beyond honored to be part on this lineage, honoring the ancestors, and focusing on their perseverance when the going gets tough.

Let’s face it, despite the romanticism, a rural existence, especially alone, can see some tough days. Endless tasks defined by the Seasons demand attention and energy. And they certainly wait for you if you don’t get to them.

And with this comes a deep connection to the rhythm of nature that defines one’s life. A connection to the cycle of life, defined by natural systems, plants, animals, the sun and the moon, defining our place as humans living in harmony with all other life forms.

For me, this moves me on a cellular level and creates the blueprint for how I live my life. How I breathe. How I respect and honor the entire ecosystem in which I live, survive, and thrive.

Rooted. Consciously. Respectfully. Fully.

From which I create. And share.

This experience.

Fully defined by this land. This homestead. These Values.

I look forward to sharing these values as you gather around the table. In celebration. Making memories.

These dinners at Rooted are intended to be limited. To be special and intentional.

Gifts from Nature. Perpetuated by generations.

Much Love and Light. Cheers!
