
As I watch the beauty of the falling snow, I am reminded of the ebb and flow of the forces of nature.

For with these short days, we become more aware of living our lives defined by the cycles of the sun and the moon.

The forces that heal, that comfort, that center the soul. And the forces that bring change, upheaval; storms that call on us to exemplify strenth, fortitude and patience.

A forced opportunity to evaluate our Blessings-family, friends, our own heartiness and fortitude as Mainers that define who we are are at our very core.

The need to reach out to our neighbors to offer comfort and support. For that which tie us together in community and brings us peace. Today I reflect within this quiet space as Mother Nature shifts our reality to one of gathering resources to ride out the storms, and take solace in our ability to overcome obstacles.

I am so grateful to be surrounded by the love of my special people, and the community which supports me to thrive and be creative.

And within that reality I eagerly plan with anticipation and gratitude the inevitable slow unfolding of Winter into Spring. And with that trasformation of the melting snow and longer days, the birth of Rooted.

In the Spirit of the new hope and onset of the growing Season, I am inspired by the visions of souls gathered around the table in loving community. The comfort garnered from the pure energy of ingredients nurtured by the intentions and fortitude of local farmers and growers.

For this is what we celebrate. Rooted was created to honor the gems that take root in the Spring and bloom forth to fulfill their destiny of providing comforting nourishment.

This cycle of life of which our Ancestors were so closely tied is worthy of the highest praise and gratitude. Eating close to the earth, low on the food chain, with intention.

Rooted in the Earth, Rooted in resilience. Rooted in history.

I welcome you to gather around the table in celebration of these gifts from Mother Nature. Gifts that are an honor to partake in. Lessons in gratitude.

Giving thanks to the bounty from the land that we call Hone.

This land that nourishes our body, or Spirit, and our Soul.

Cheers! Annalisa