
Food sustainability isn’t always at the forefront of many peoples’ minds when the ultimate goal is to tame the grumbling tummy and get food on the table—quickly and efficiently.

I get it. Life doesn’t always lay out the red carpet for perfection. Life is challenging. Eating is challenging.

But…when we have the luxury of looking ahead, and being mindful of making small changes, super awesome things can come to fruition. Especially in Maine. We are so lucky to be Blessed with a myriad of family farms rocking the local vibe, growing organic food, and being super mindful of the environmental, ethical and social outcomes of growing amazing food. Yup, we’re awesome.

What’s inspiring about thinking ahead, and making conscious choices, is we can take the time, and commit to mindfulness and create ‘better.’ Being mindful of what we use to feed our body and our soul comes from setting the intention of focusing on how we really want to live. A big part of how we live centers on the food choices we make…food that inspires us. Food that defines us. Food that just plain feels good.

Taking the time to plan ahead allows for aligning one’s values with what food goes on our tables. Our table for one. Our table for friends and family. Our table we share with our fur babies. Yes, some of us must dedicate some time for gathering food for our furry family members. Especially if you have very discerning rabbits, ( I’m looking at you Barley and Hops), but I digress.

Operating with a sense of alignment to one’s higher values has so many rewards; mainly it just feels amazing. It is always wonderful to hold certain thoughts and behaviors in high regard, but to then actually set those higher sense of purpose ideals into action, and act on those principles, creates a whole different perspective.

You know that flowing feeling when what you want aligns with what you create…yeah, that feeling! When you commit to sustainable food sourcing, both in your daily lives and when planning an event, super awesome groovy vibes can flow to make you feel fantastic!

So in light of running the risk of being much too wordy, ( I know my ADD has shifted into overdrive now that I spend way too much time at the computer-working waaaaaay too many things at once), I am going to call it enough for today, and dive into what Sustainability really means next time…and then what you can do to embrace the concept when planning your eco-friendly event, wedding, or any given day of the week.

If you’re in New England at the moment, enjoy this absolutely dumping snow, and, as always, Feed Your Soul, in whatever way that means to You!